Operation Christmas Child brings hope and joy to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the good news of God’s love.  Last year over 11.5 million shoe boxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, school supplies and hard candies were delivered to over 100 countries around the globe.  (69 of those boxes came from members of Trinity – 367,000 from the New England region.)

We plan to participate again this year. The kickoff will be on Sunday, October 8th during the Sunday School hour. If you also would like to participate with them, see the table in the Gathering Space for more information on this project, and how to create and pack this “simple gift”.  We have supplied plastic shoe boxes if you would like to use one of those instead of the traditional cardboard shoe box.  Boxes must be at Trinity by Sunday, November 17th for a blessing and subsequent delivery to the distribution center.

Please join us in this opportunity to share with a hurting child in need of hope. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Thank you for sharing Christmas joy with needy children worldwide.

Joan and Bill Fredericksen

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