Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
I have some surprising news to share:
Yesterday, April 27, I was elected to serve as the next bishop of the Alaska Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This was a surprise to me. Two colleagues asked me last week if I would be willing to be nominated, and after some initial resistance, I agreed. I expected that I would be part of the conversation but not elected. The Holy Spirit had another plan, and I was elected to be the next bishop of the Alaska Synod. I start my new role on July 1. Synje and I will be moving to Anchorage.
I will miss all of you a lot. Many of us have done ministry together for many years. There have been thousands of treasured moments and conversations. Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings, Funerals, hospital visits, youth group trips to Calumet, Bible studies, confirmation classes, hikes, worship services, group centering prayer, lots of shared delicious meals . . . . I will miss you, and I will continue to lift you up in prayer.
Thank you for all of the blessings that you have given me over the past 21 years. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel. I am very grateful.
The Holy Spirit led me to Trinity, and the Holy Spirit will lead your next pastor to Trinity as well. Change is always difficult at the beginning, but God brings new blessings.
Pastor Tim
Do you have Sunday Services on line?
Hi Lanie – we do have services online. The most recent and older videos are all on youtube at this link: https://youtube.com/@trinitylutheranchurchverno3402?si=S3WXeUmIoaYwieov
You’re also welcome for in-person services at 20 Meadowlark Rd in Vernon.